Cranberry Cyst - 60 Capsules
  • Cranberry Cyst - 60 Capsules

Cranberry Cyst - 60 Capsules

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CYST-CRANBERRY is a dietary supplement designed to promote urinary tract well-being and the drainage of bodily fluids.


Cranberry extract has a high titration of 40% in proanthocyanidins (PAC), which are mainly responsible for the beneficial effects, and is associated with vitamins C and E with an antioxidant effect.

1. Cranberries are melatonin wonders

Unlike many other foods, cranberries do not contain tryptophan, but melatonin. Tryptophan is considered a precursor to melatonin, but it must first be converted in our body. For example, bananas contain a lot of tryptophan. The cranberry, on the other hand, supplies our body directly with the sleep hormone. With 9.6 milligrams per 100 grams, the healthy berry even has the highest melatonin content of all foods.

2. They lower cholesterol

High cholesterol can lead to high blood pressure, and over time, high blood pressure not only affects the heart and stomach, it also makes it harder for us to sleep. The red berries have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and thus ensure balanced blood pressure.

A bladder infection can be excruciating. You always feel like you have to go to the toilet. But urination does not bring any relief, on the contrary: only a few drops come with burning pain. Women in particular often suffer from what is known as cystitis: "Every second woman has at least one bladder infection in her life".

1 to 2 capsules daily with a glass of water

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